Wednesday, August 30, 2006


The thoughts that come to mind when I think of knowledge as it has been conceived here, are stiff, solid, disciplined, sedentary, categorical, historical; posthumously accumulating facts and retracing instants so as to add longevity and depth to a conservative stance; these things are not normal to my dynamic multidimensional feelings and even to my squandered heartless thoughts, little as I spend on that latter they are magnified by the current hypnotic rational trance that embodies every aspect of our being.

The world to me is not intellectually or orderly contrived, it is based on emotions, something terribly went wrong when we fell in love with rational as rational and not as rational as a product of our emotions. My primal causes instinct tells me that rational is a logical emotional deduction. Unfortunately logic decided that it was the foundation, and has since tried to commit parricide. Nothing wrong with that, every child does it, only we ought not let it happen since it is to our detriment. Logic does not care about us, logic does not appreciate our human failings or our limitations, logic will kill any human being that it comes into contact with. Because logic is the suicidal son of our self-hated self; logic is the “I” saying to itself, “I hate myself, I hate my limitations, I am going to overcome my emotions and I am going to control the universe.” Nothing wrong with that because it does not cost logic anything, logic is the first hypothetical non entity to consume a living thing, human beings. Quite an accomplishment and we should be as impressed as we ought be scared. A metaphor for explaining existence and the universe has become a deadly virus running our wills and our worlds and we are doomed for it, and we cant recognize it because we can not see far enough ahead to see beyond reason and its counterpart knowledge. More horrible, even the past which is by nature sedentary, it will hold still for us to look at it for a little bit, even the past has been so fused with rational hubris that history is a deterrent rather than something we can learn from; history as it has been written, by the intellect, will not allow us to see the years before the intellect. The intellect is convinced, and has convinced us that before it we were blind and ignorant. We really don’t know if this is true, we really can not know it, and to become aware of what was before the intellect we would have to silence the intellect, and we are so enamored and dependant upon it, that we can not imagine being without it.

This book is an attempt to go beyond reason, and to recall what it was like to be without it, neither task is simple or doable under the current world order but just maybe…


Whatever faith lacks in proof it makes up by being un-provable.

When I think of the word world or think of the word self, so intertwined are they that I can not imagine why they require two words. I am a delicate person the world is delicate, the universe is composed of all of these delicate things, only the universe is tough. All those neutron stars and blackhole-ulcers in its timing fabric seem innocuous and free; gamma, beta and cosmic rays frugally wonder the immensity, the universe is tough, everything that composes it is fragile. I am fragile.

Here where earth encrusted settled magma ripens trees and flowers and canyons and mountains I start with my brain, I end with my brain.

Never understood the concept brain, an apparatus that serves me well in these here wonderings, even so I imagine, even only through my brain, that the universe is composed, in infinitesimal percentages, by my brain, and my brain is composed by the phantasmagoric universe, much the same as world and self are deterrently mutually inseparable. I sift my port, a flowered alcoholic trouble, and feel its influences upon me, such an idle thing, such an idle thing.

I tell myself, who is here talking, the fine exquisite port or is it me, and why my brain so weak as to allow such niggardly influence altering my will of self. I will to drink indeed, and tell myself I could just as well will my will to resist the influence exercised by this fine port; why we have known well for long that the mind can render poisons powerless and the brain can make a molten pot burn not the hand of the monk that wills denial of the burning flesh.

Oh but to fight the port would be so silly, even as silly as port turns on me. I don’t question the idea, I don’t and won’t deny the effects that port has upon me, which I assume are the result of centuries of careful port production, were I then to rebuke my port, I would be saying naught to centuries of carefully combined renditions accomplished by simple ambitions.

I yield to those labors because they call me and I call them, much the same as world and self call and duty themselves all over each other. What is all of that combined necessity of expression is naught in me brain to know, it is however in me brain to ask. And so it is that I begin here with the question, is it possible for a brain to ask questions that it can not answer? Is there, in the brain something so endemically destructive that a brain might not know when to stop asking questions or what questions not to ask? And if so could then a brain be crippled by its inability to resolve a question? And if a brain is mortally crippled by such endeavors then will this brain continue manufacturing truths that answer its interrogations even as these might themselves be beyond proof and so by nature unbelievable?

I think I can imagine this brain organ trying to turn everything into a thought. I think I can imagine this brain organ trying to turn feelings into thoughts. I think I can see my feelings believing that they are thoughts, especially if their only way to gain acceptance from myself is by accomplishing such disgraceful feat. I pause.

According to Darwin I am a product of evolution. Something about my DNA listening to the environment and reengineering the best possible me to deal with the environment. These process takes hundreds or thousands of years, it is therefore very difficult to observe, so you won’t see any dinosaurs turning into birds, but you can at least fancy that idea. It would be irrational of me to refute something based on evolutionary theory, I am perfectly ok with the idea that a bird is the result of a dinosaur’s instinctive extinction prevention program. Lose some weight, hollow out those bones, exchange that huge body form large wings; it seems an appropriate reaction, for a massive creature to want to be trim and flighty.

Evolution has been or is observable at the microscopic level, which is probably the greatest evidence we have for it though I could argue that microorganisms evolving is not evidence that macroorganism evolve. Of course evolutionists say that we come from monkeys and some other said; why dint all the monkeys evolve? And I say it is because they are conservative. Anyway I don’t think it is too difficult to find relationships between things that inhabit the same environment, I mean that we are all going to have organs and bones that function in this environment or else we are all not going to be here because the environment does demand a certain kind of composition. When we go up and out into space we put on astronaut suits that mimic this environment because the vacuum that is space is hostile to our nature. So Darwin saw the monkeys and said to himself, we look like them so we must come from them. It never occurred to Darwin that the monkeys might actually have evolved from humans. But there is nothing in evolution that would prevent that from being the actual truth. It was just easier to sell the theory if we were the most advanced and refined product of evolution; we don’t really think much of monkeys.

There is much here to talk about but let’s try to keep to our point, I mean to say that there is such a thing as runaway evolution, this is when an organism keeps on evolving even when such is not favorable to the organism. I think peacocks have been used as a perfect example. A peacock’s tail evolved to impress and attract its mate, the ritual got so out of hand that the tail kept on growing in majesty but as always with majesty, it also grew in uselessness to the point of making the peacock easily spottable to its predators and easier to catch because of a very beautiful tail that prevented flight and made it clumsy too. This is what is known as run away evolution, the tail of the peacock is a danger to the peacock but because it is a way to attract a mate it keeps on growing in majesty while ignoring the troubling environment.

I will trouble my self to say, that the brain has now become a danger to the self, it continues to grow with its own importance, asking question that it is not designed or trained to answer, and entering into the emotional and metaphysical realms where it does not belong. Is summary I make the case that the brain is trying to be everything to a human being and that the human being is many more things than just a brain, and so we must proactively determine if we shall allow this brain thing to continue to disproportionally define us and everything that surrounds us.

I would further argue with all my mental energies on hold that the brain has been displaying symptoms of being an appendix for at least the last three decades. So much so that any visionary can only conclude that posterity is going to be brainless. At fist this might seem difficult to believe, specially since we have done so much with that fine organ; but I propose here to prove the obvious, the brain is the product of what we are, it is not, I repeat, it is not what we are, it is a consequence, an attribute that serves a purpose to our manifestations, manifestations which are embodied by an essence that projects itself into this condition, as such, the brain is not only expendable but must have a temporary value to our corporeal being.

It may even be that my brain is writing this to warn us all of its imperialistic folly, at many levels the brain is a wonderful intricate thing, and it is entirely imaginable that the brain could indeed have an altruistic function which would allow it to care more about us than itself; in brief the brain may indeed begin to shut itself off, by causing me to outthink it with its own thoughts. I, as a person, might be a mere trigger for the suicide of brain. Cells in my body constantly commit suicide because it is a benefit to the overall system, when they don’t kill themselves we get cancer, and when the system realizes that then the entire corpus begins to collapse upon itself; much as cells have desirable and undesirable life spans, organs too; only a brain is a very especial organ, and because of this not only do we fall in love with it but also we may give it a greater importance that it may deserve.

Brain must and is capable of unthinking itself and thinking beyond itself. The real difficulty might lie in the habitual dependence that the self which uses that brain acquired, this makes it fall in love with the simplicity and manageability of rational results as produced by the complex organ whose entire function is primarily to simplify the world, make it manageable and comprehensible. That to accomplish this the brain might have to deceive and conjure linear ideas that summersault the complexities and concentric triangulations that must invariably silk themselves into the wool of existence is an unobservable, specially once the brain gets done with it.

Brain can unthink itself, but that the organism that owns it can not unthink the very brain that it created is as magical as it is troubling. It is troubling not because of its brain function but because of the user that has fallen helplessly in love with its logician. Brain is like mother, it tells you “don’t worry darling I will make the world ok for you, everything is going to be alright, in the end you will not only comprehend and control everything but you will be able to change it to your liking.” No sour pudding in that feast. Mom loves you, and mom is instrumental in helping you conquer the challenge of life, but then, and this is the then that matters, then there comes a point when mother dies.


Why we might ask is the brain so all imposing? Why has everything developed by the brain become so all encompassing important? The answer lies in a very twisted reel of the physics and circumstance of the universe and its conception of perfection. I say its conception of perception because we can observe it, and as it is an observation we must conclude that the universe is intrinsically as we observe it to be, and even if it is not it does not matter, for us it is so. And when we observe the universe and everything in it we have to come to one paradoxically worrisome situation, the universe tries to perfect itself. Don’t pause to think of it as absurd for me to say that, just analyze yourself, do you try to perfect yourself? Does your government try to perfect itself? Does god try to perfect itself? Does the species seek to perfect themselves? I am not judging the merits of the type of perfection that is thought out, government certainly consider effectively controlling their peoples a perfect and reasonable objective, while this may in fact be bad or good for the people regardless it is an objectification of a subjective idea of perfection.

If we postpone moralizing the matter, all things that we know to live, seek some form of a perfection. How then might that perfection be measured? I measure perfection by how much freedom of movement I have within the environment I inhabit. The greater my ability to move about, up and down and sideways through the social classes, through the professional and economic ladders, and even I measure my perfection in my ability to leap social conventions. Others might measure their perfection in their ability to worship god without having to get a job. Some might think it a perfection to be idle without natural resistance from the governing masses. A machinist might consider a screw or a laser chisel a perfection. The universe might consider expansion a good thing, that is if size is what matters and it is really difficult to get the title of universe without being gargantuan and largely indifferent to all the things inside of you.

Obviously we are not perfect, it is doubtful that people can be born, at least into this universe, if they are perfect. Perfection is unlikely to endure or understand or appreciate the concept of suffering and limitations. God, the most perfect diamond in the universe does not suffer and is not bound to limitations. God himself is everything but the suffering and the evil in that everything. You and I get cancer, you might consider evil and pain God’s cancer, he doesn’t like it, but he has to put up with it. Of course this minor part of an imperfection in God’s universe is being cured, by a step by step self help book, you don’t need any PhDs, just this one book and a bit of repetition and you can cure the part of the perfection that you are. See in God’s eyes you are the part of him that is imperfect and he wills you to perfect yourself in his image.

My point is that if God, the most perfect of things, has not obtained perfection is not from lack of trying, we are a stumbling block, but God has tried and will infinitely continue to try. See god too is seeking to perfect himself just like DNA is seeking to perfect itself. Just like a virus that gets attacked by penicillin seeks to adapt and or become resistant to it or to learn to eat the penicillin, bottom line a virus seeks to perfect itself. Why even a cancer tries to perfect itself, a cancer is nothing more than a cell that said to itself, “No I don’t want to die, no I don’t want to die just so that my host can keep the general characteristic to which it has grown accustomed, I don’t want to die, I want to live for ever and reproduce and be my own host.” Cancer in attempt to become an independent and self sufficient organism, blows itself out of proportion and collapses the entire environment that host and surrounds it. So it is with brain.

Brain, even as it is magnificent, can grow obsessed with its own importance and corrupt the entire system, persons and humanity which it is design to embody. This is because as things seek their perfection they begin to realize two laughable but critical facts. The imperfection is really out there; and, the only way to perfect yourself is to change everything into you. Anything less, is limiting and not perfect and most probably finite. Though I am not sure on this last point, it may indeed be that the only thing that can last forever is imperfection, this is because if you just think about it a little bit you will come to find that imperfect things are willing to share and sharing with added tolerance is what makes the universe so complex, varied, and huge. The most successful politicians are usually the most ambivalent, they are committed to neutrality, they cant seem to attach with militancy to any opinion or cause, they could belong to either, or and, and; the most successful artists usually cater to mass sensibilities, this is true even if those mass sensibilities develop, within the mass, posthumously. True artist are so sensitive that they may actually live and be more at home with posterity. Certainly an intolerable condition while they are alive but if you smell aesthetics from afar you aren’t getting lunch anytime soon. Still the artist realizes this at some level and prefers to live in the future because the perfection, at least for the artist that smells the future, is in the future. The artist is intolerant of his times because he is tolerant of the times to come, not because he is really intolerant, in fact the artist is ambivalent to real time conditions; having already, done much like god, and martyred his being for the sake of exhibiting in posterity. Part of the reason for this form of nihilist aesthetic from the part of the artist and god might be induced by sheer disappointment with the current condition, so they fall in love with the promise, with the possibility and they compromise and hemorrhage their present condition.

The brain is different than the artists and a little more different than god, it only cares about the present, it has very little value for the future. Lack of planning is an endemic function of the brain, this is because the brain is design to function in real time environments. An artist and god suffer sensibilities that have very little to do with getting along, eating and immediate satisfaction. The brain however was designed to live, adapt and function in response to the local environment, a brain is only visionary as far as it seeks to secure and control the reality which it has to endure. A brain is creative, but only creative at a functional level. A brain creates logic, logic is linear, a brain creates control, control is a fanatic structure to nurture the conditions of security and predictability. When a brain searches the future, it searches with fears; this is why most films about the future are filmed after the human race has exploded all their nuclear weapons and all are left are mutants trying to reconstruct a world order. The brain plants this fear in us, so that we prepare for the most horrible outcome, caution is a brain’s function, study the situation, analyze it, draw conclusions, check, verify and catalog those conclusions, learn them from memory, slowly adopt them into your mode of thinking. Brain does this because it makes brain important, one of the most beautiful representations of this is retirement planning, there is nothing more hilarious than watching a thirty year old working diligently to nest a nice retirement plan. Hilarious brain work.

The brain has to be cold because the brain has to make decisions that aren’t always appetizing. A father in China has regularly had to make the decision to live far away from his family in order to provide them with money so they may have a habitat and nourishment. Brain does this, brain has to decide how many nuclear warheads it will take to destroy 250 million people and which cities and military installations it needs to destroy first; and the brain must do this without imagining the laughter and creativity and ingenuity that it has to destroy within itself and in the world, in order to accomplish this task, a task that to the general executing it becomes a brilliant strategic campaign, you have to think!

It is the brain that does economic calculations, when an economist decides to raise your interest rates it is his brain telling him that you are feeling to happy go lucky and that he needs to prevent your free spending feelings from inflating out of proportion. When they raise your interest rates maybe you will barrow less, maybe you will put more money in the bank, and if you start doing that to much the economist will use his brain to free up capital flows so that you can spend more and not depress the economy. There are many ways to look at this but the way an economist looks at it is the most frigid. Why, because he has to think like a brain to manipulate the entire economy, the economy is a brain function it was created by brains that move these levers and pulleys so as to balance out human desire with some sense of rational behavior. As the brain widens to encompass the wider and wider population the brain exponentially freezes.

Brain creates knowledge. Of all things being and none being nothing is more important to god than faith. Of all things being and none being nothing is more important to an artist than the aesthetic. Of all things being and none being nothing is more important to a fashion designer than a failure to remember last years fashions. To the brain nothing is more important than knowledge. Brain and knowledge are intertwined and unable to bleed to death separately. Brain defines itself with knowledge. Its ability to gather, to question, to probe to investigate, to affirm and to repeat, and, and this is the and that counts, and its ability to predict logical outcomes, is the precision and perfection of brain/knowledge.

If brain can predict logical conclusions at a universal level, such as it is wished with a Grand Unified Theory of Everything, then god will have nothing that knowledge can not reproduce. It would be difficult not to have absolute faith in rational logical linear knowledge if such can reproduce, recreate and know the universe and its functions. It is the obtainment of such perfection which eludes science, and science unlike god has a tougher measurer of its success, proof; god, wisely tied belief to faith, a far more lenient measure that made up in appetizing mystery what it lacked in precision. In a sense god’s perfection outdid brain here, because brain commiserated to proof the definition of the unknown, you can not say you know something unless you have observed it, tested it and reproduced it; proof is physical, it is real, proof is graspable, tenable, proof reaches conclusions that match the universe and everything in it; but god, perhaps wiser as he is older than knowledge, decided that the unproven could be believed if one administered faith, and the more unbelievable something the greater faith it would require, but one thing was sure, faith would win out. If you feel it and you believe it, and believe it blindly you cant go wrong!

I am probably being a bit obvious here, unification theory is nothing more than the attempt of anyone thing, to make itself the most important thing in the universe. The god thing wants everything united under its own image and belief system, and brain/knowledge wants everything united in its own image, and I want everyone to believe everything that I believe and it would hurt me any if they all wanted to be like me, and here you have the Grand Unified Theory of Grand Unified Theories: “Everything in the universe is related to me!” That is to say that the universe is not different from end to end, but rather that there are international, universal and supra-entity laws that govern everything and everyone. Of course this laws do not feel, morality does not feel though it may indeed be a consequence of feeling, justice does not feel though it certainly is a euphemism for vengeance, and the physics of the universe is the most insensitive of all, the weak force, the strong force, the gravitational force, and electromagnetic force they don’t care about you and I, they only care not to break any of the laws that make them up, there is law and order in the universe. Humanity discovered this with its price possession brain/knowledge!

And are we ever fortunate, because without this brain/knowledge thing we would have never known all these encyclopedic things we know, more important and a pleasant surprise it was, but thanks to brain/knowledge we now know we are the smartest thing on our planet and from the immediate look of things the most intelligent thing in the solar system. We might even be the smartest thing in the universe, though we can not yet prove it so we must doubt it, still we search on but it certainly looks through the telescope that intelligent life is the rarest of preciousness.

It may have never occurred to us that we might be rare because we are not desirable, nor would it occur to brain/knowledge that the executive committee of the universe said no to more life forms like us, preferring blackholes, suns, whitedwarfs, neutron stars, even more empty space, just a few of the things that are not only larger and more imposing and more common than us; not to mention neutrinos which happen to have a free run of the place. But we, little people with big giant brain/knowledge, we are specials.

Well I guess if there is going to be a baseball card collection in the universe it would not make much sense with anything else than a human in the picture with statistics on the back, IQ 129, ergonomically bipedal, fully functioning brain; and baseball caps are certainly a unique accomplishment. The ability to catalog the universe has to be impressive as well, and we have awed ourselves, not an easy feat after all, we are primarily skeptics. We doubt everything, we question everything, we don’t just believe, we ask deep and insightful questions, and we don’t settle for the first answer that comes along; we have in fact proven that we can disprove ourselves, we have throughout time found just cause to end entire belief principles, and we did it because the truth was more important to us than our pride. That is the kind of self correcting animal that we are.

Anyway there is nothing wrong with admiring the human race, it would be difficult to believe that the human race could sustain itself without loving itself first. Of course love is an irrational and not really logical brain function, but more on love and all that it does to contradict brain later. For now we only bring love into the picture to explain one brain function, self aggrandizement. Yes, brain is logical but it is also in love with its child knowledge, and the reality is that brain wants everything that reproduces to be knowledge, the smartest thing in the universe is in love with itself; this is not logical, this is not rational but it may help us explains why it is all important. And as things become all important they homogenized hegemony into perfection.

I need to reiterate here that we are covering a critical substance full element: the natural tendency of any given matter, subject or being is to want to make everything else in its own image. It is a natural inward tendency, it is probably not a healthy thing for anything living outside of that desire. The only technique to accomplish absolute mastery of the universe is to make it like you, all entities in the universe must and wish to disembody themselves of their self being and turn it into you; the infiltration is never pure, the host organism will never get your ideas or nature just right; still you, me, god, scientists, and everything will attempt it until some harsh mangled tragedy collapses the idea. We want everyone to be avatars of us, and everyone else wants us to be avatars for them, the resulting collusion is not a very ripe universe, rather a universe with everything trying to get into everything else, and since everything is already whole even as it is only part of a part, then not only does it not fit into anything else, but it wont fit into anything else; this is precisely why the god thing has been so destructive as it attempts to manifest itself within us here on earth. The idea is good, the god entity is probably very nice, but endeavoring to make a perfection out of a human is really pushing cockroach idealization too far. One might dare ponder why is god not just sufficiently satisfied with his own greatness enough to leave us alone?

Monotheism religious, governmental, rational, etc… is the objective of each of us for the rest; if things understood themselves a little better they would merely try to be themselves so as to accomplish the universe, just the exploitation of the self by the self is a worthy task and exuberant task, besides the universe does not have room for two versions of you; the universe does not replicate entities, there is a mandatory exclusion law in the universe for no-two-of-a-kind, all the suns are different; it is this absolutism which makes us crave the cloning of what we are. The universe masters this individualism at a cosmic level because things that are the same can not cohabitate with anything else; and things that can not cohabitate can not a universe make.

The universe in us is the complex self, and yet brain/knowledge cries out: “I am one with everything and everything needs my rationalizations.” Only there maybe places where brain/knowledge might not be allowed, just ask Love.

The Sun is My Shadow

It is very imposing of brain to dash out into every horizon and claim that everything exists because of some logical order that can be reversed engineer with knowledge. The entire history of science has been the practice of reverse engineering, there is nothing creative in that process, it is stealing from nature what is natures to use it as we wish and not as nature deigned it so. Not that that matters much but since nature does not really take itself to seriously, we could go blow up the sun and nature would not feel any less for it; wouldn’t notice it, this is because nature does not exists, nature is a construct of man, there is nothing natural or unnatural in the universe, there are just things that by happenstance have brought themselves into being and an occupation of space time, without prior regard to consequences or definitions, the definition of a sun is more brought about by its persistence than by any sane universal order. This is because there is no such thing as a universe, everything in the universe repeats itself and that is what knowledge calls a universe, if there is a planet here, and you can see a planet a trillion light years from here, that is a universal observation, which makes the universe and its repeated consistencies.

I think I killed a man last night. I know I did killed a man last night, because in my dream I was haunted by the authorities and they caught up with me and their interrogations were suggesting that I killed this man at this tourist shop, this while I was trying to steal a music CD. I never really saw myself kill the man; when the police arrived at my house and started questioning my roommates I felt guilty, I knew I had blood in my hands, I mentally traced a trail of red drips, each supple and artistic in composition and vividness of color; when they got to my room, you could see that they had smelled the blood to reach me, it was a magnificent accomplishment of associations. The blood, the stolen CD, the man dead, my feelings of guilt, the suspecting police; and yet I never saw myself kill the man. Knowledge works just like that, it has never seen the truth, but it has seen all the evidence of the truth.

Then we must and ought suspect that there is some truth to this idea of knowledge even as proving the final truth of anything is elusive, and even if the only thing that scientists can do to discover the truth is to reverse engineer nature. Reverse engineering cant be to accurate of a science this is the only kind of science we got, so we must conform with its results. But I propose here that the sun is my shadow. Why do I propose this, because I think it no different than the proposition of law and order imposed by science. It is equally absurd and fantastic and so I bow to the knowledge freaks for thinking it that all things have a purposeful connection and, and here is the most terrible and in the universe, and that everything is made up of building blocks, which can be taken apart and put back together if you follow the instructions. A sun can be made by simply following these steps and using these ingredients; compress more matter than can fit into a little tiny hole until it disappears from existence, let it undo itself, bang, it will be suffering hyper temperatures for eons, but as it disperses, it will cool and the cooled energy will turn into many disparate groups of chemicals and matter, these will result in helium and hydrogen concentrations than when massive enough will spew themselves out into the vacuum surroundings creating an spectacular circling chandelier. Interesting for sure, but is it the truth?

The difference between believing that a god, one day, while utterly bored, created the universe is none, the idea of a god or a big bang and or both is and are equally complex in stature. The ingredients that you need to have a god however are far more interesting and certainly more exotic. Faith, belief, a heaven to house him in, an antagonistic evil agent, free will and a human to use all this gradients so that they may manifest themselves in such; this are even tougher ingredients to put together, and certainly do not appear to have a linear building block mentality. Given the choice, to have to believe in either, currently I have neither inclination, but given the choice the god part sound far more fascinating and gorgeous. Believing in scientific models of the universe, while beautiful in their own right, they have not the perplexing beauty of a garden of Eden or a heaven or an immaculate virgin Mary, or an infinite and omnipotent yet benevolent God. This are truly fantastic things, and one must suspect that while knowledge bound brain wanted us to think, just because it is more practicable, that in the procedural act it took away something fantastic. I am not and can not be sure that this was a step forward but the catchy thing about brain/knowledge based actions and conducts is that they do are a product of our actions, and in the universe, where most things for sure aren’t a product of our actions, it seems woeful that we create some little insignificant things that we can control. Brain got knowledge to give us a sense of control, god himself was so unique and rare of a thing, his magic would not win out over the obvious, our brains could only see and function in the obvious so the most brilliant battle between the rational and the fantastic was won out by the pedestrian.

Why was that so? Because the brain, designed to act out at the local level super imposed its locality upon the universal concept of god. God had to answer to a local force, why? Because the local force could respond and god remained silent in his own defense. Its possible to imagine that god did not even notice the struggle, it is possible to imagine that god might feel that in the long run we will comprehend the error of our ways, it is also possible that this god thing was so complexly device that it only existed for a trillions of a zillions of a second after the big bang, and so it was consumed by its own inherent complexity. All in which case makes it very easy for a plebian brain to impose knowledge as the commanding standard of the universe.

What do I have against knowledge? That it takes credit for everything that I already know.

Knowledge is the product of reverse engineering and at a superlative level of something that happens in a more complex and less determinable manner because to exist all things must have one thing in common, they must “know themselves!” In order for a rock to be a rock it must wholly compose the essence and purity of rock being. In order for a sun to be a sun it must inherently and endemically be a sun, you cant embody something that you are not in this existence for the very simple reason that this universe requires a hell of a lot of induction of energy in order to make itself it self in order to let anything else represent itself that self embodiment must be 100% sure that it is what it is. This is because our universe is so overcrowded with entities and forces that everything is trying to push everything else out of the way, and these efforts as so ferociously consistent that they invariably end up consuming all of our self energy and we die. It is just that way that suns burn out, they keep on trying to be themselves and the surrounding vacuum eats them up telling them that they are not nothing but a wasting of energy into the precipice that is the seemingly empty vacuum. The vacuum consumes, it would kill you if it were to touch you. But Sun brings us to the interesting point, the Sun tells us what it is. The sun defines itself, the sun is! And the Sun tells the universe I want to burn alive my whole existence. I come here with all this helium and hydrogen and I am going to invest it all here. The interesting little obvious thing here is that no one had to tell Sun to be a Sun, Sun knows all this, Sun comes into being as a Sun because before arriving into this here and now space dimension it already knew what it was; and so Sun pushed itself through the continuum to disrupt it and define an expression that it firmly believed about itself.

This is what we must all struggle with, the self knowledge is corrugated by the fabric of the universe as it stretches and curls and dissipates, the corrugated knowledge of self, becomes disrupted by self doubt; when everything seems to be trying to kill you its because you don’t fit, or should not fit or ought not to fit and the only thing that keeps you struggling on is the fact that you do know what you are, how you embody that, and you are executing the blueprint of your self define essence which is the product of a desire, misguided desire, perhaps, but a firm misguided desire for sure. Otherwise you cant participate in this volatile universe, you must render energy quotients on a consistent and persistence basis; this is not hard to do, if you are doing it as caused by your endemic nature and definition of desired being, it is however impossible for you to accomplish existence if you are not fully self defined beyond question. The universe is a place fulll of absolute definitions that ever impose themselves over anything that will let them, it is merely your desired persistence of self which induces the contrast against the background of the universe, of which you are part, and it is your persistence of self which gives the universe its personality.

Knowledge being the product of a reverse engineering action does not recognize this, because if you are the result of a devolution you aren’t going to recognize it, it would be dangerous for the well being of knowledge to accept itself as the product of a reductionism process. But this is the very essence of knowledge, knowledge is the thing that decomposes things, knowledge breaks things down and categorizes because it does not understand whole things, broken down parts of the whole it comprehends, but whole things not. Knowledge must therefore kill its subject in order to understand it and manipulate it. All the things that knowledge has studied and knows have been murdered by way of dissection. Piece by piece. And Knowledge can not put these things back together, it can only know how they worked. It does not however know the why of their being, knowledge is limited by knowledge because a thing that is known can only be known as it manifest itself and not as the desire from which it sprung which is wholly unknowable. Knowledge does not comprehend desire, because a desire can not be dismembered or reversed engineered. When knowledge stumbles into a desire it is to late to see it bloom, it is wilting. This is why, if we assume that there was a God or a Big Bang, full blooming desires, knowledge can never observe them, Knowledge can never observe them because when a desire is in full bloom it annihilates anything that is sedentary or pedestrian, knowledge only rises, like mosquitoes taking blood samples, in the residue puddles of the universe.

Finally, not to bore you indefinitely though I embody that potential, what Brain assimilates as knowledge is really something that can not be learned or taught. I am born knowing what I know which knowledge will try to teach me. Within me is the knowledge. One of my jobs has been to manage groups of programmers, one of the most obviously amazing things is to see how a genius programmer intuitively knows what to do in such a complex, though basic world, as is the mind of a computer network. A genius programmers and a genius physicists have one thing in common, they know, they are aware of their endemic nature, and they come with very firm ideas as to how things work and how they will get the results that they are seeking, only knowledge wishes to take credit for teaching them, but what indeed is teaching if not the allowing of a wonder child to manifest inner talents. Teaching actually corrupts those talents into modalities of preconceived ideas, we are however fortunate, the corruption is minimal, the power of knowledge is corrosive but not deadly to the gifted. I come with what I know into this world, I come to this world to deliver full blast, there are forces here which wish to put out my raging fires, it is my persistence which will cause my self imposed irrational desired essence to contrive its place next to you.

I Object to Objectivity

It is difficult to explain how I can be against objectivity and be right. It requires that the listening subject suspend belief of a world outside of him or her self, it requires that the person not believe in the “I” as much as it insinuates that there is indeed an “I” though this “I” can not be external or outside of itself and everything else. My audience does not know that I am a part of them, they see one another as complete disparate parts, secularization has told them that there is a world disconnected from them, so disconnected in fact that not only does it act and react without concern for them, and that it lives beyond them and before them and before “I”; while I can not for some unphantomable reason conceive of a world or universe without me in it for a single adventure of its existence.

It is rather selfish of me to believe that the universe has such adamant sense of energy conservation that it would always have me in it under some whatever guise, and I accept the selfishness of that, even as it is possible to conceive that an expanding universe will eventually get cold if only because it is not cuddling up to all of its parts; and in an energy bound universe cold is death. Still I assume that making myself apart of everything is not so selfish after all if everything is apart of me I am more inclined to have its best interest in mind. If everything is a part of me then I feel everything and everything must feel me; I am inextricably linked to every point in the universe and every point on the universe pivots around me as well as it does pivot around every other subject noun in the universe.

Why is it so important that I mesmerized you with the idea that you are a part of me, perhaps a part of me that I don’t know, or perhaps a part of me that I don’t wish to invest too much consciousness upon, but a part of me regardless? Because once you realize this you begin to comprehend that secular views were originated to distant ourselves from each other so that we could study ourselves and our surroundings without getting hurt. We detached, we separated, we osculated the results of knowledge so that we could cut deep into our hearts without feeling everything. Categorization by disassociation is the job of logic; to logic is to deconstruct the emotional value of something and to say that one is not, not a part of it, but that the subject or object that is not a part, can suffer and feel what we do not feel or comprehend. Logic is diagnosis, heart rendering diagnosis ostracized from sensitivity. Which correctly implies that logic is the product of our intolerance to pain in a suffering world. We became logicians so we would not hurt.

As much as that is that is a glorious truth, glorious in its imposition, a greater truth is that we suffer because we are logicians! It is the separation that causes suffering, separation caused and primed by secularization, rationalization and logic. The alphabetizing process with its numerical counterpart separates us from the universe and then careens us against it! First we are plunked out of the universe by the conceptualization of disparate knowledge; and then we are fatally drawn to it by emotionally dependent gravitys which slams us back into it like the silly putty that we are. We aim to separate ourselves from the universe but the universe refuses to release us simply because the universe can not separate from any of its parts, it is impossible for the universe to be part of a part, a whole universe is a mandatory condition; when we attempt to separate from it, the universe feels a flea and it scratches itself, the flea does not die, it merely bleeds on through its existence; bloodsucker that it is its autonomy is limited to its mental agility to create a metaphorical world of objective layers. Even as this is being attempted the internal desire endemic to all creatures is to be what they are and all that they are, that is not to deny it, so what rises from the denial of supra-integrity is the desire to belong to everything that one has disintegrated into disparate parts. The gorgeous result is that we are then endeavoring to find a universal theory for everything, through religion, through government, through the sciences, trying to intellectually put everything back together into a single whole. Of course the task is impossible not because it inst already so, a Grand Unified Theory of Everything is after all the real endemic truth, but rather because the instrument by which we are trying to unite all the forces and all of humanity is knowledge; the very instrument that we created to bring asunder what god hath brought together. In short, you cant put it together with theory because it isn’t a theory.

Please don’t get religious on me when I use the term god, I use it in the context of an unavoidable fact, everything in the universe touches everything in the universe, how you may decide to feel or not all of this ferocity of turbulent emotional embracing consciousness is not necessarily acceptable to me or to others, we may all arrive at the same truth, and the same truth is not that fantastic, the real truth is that “we cant escape.”

I therefore, with all the intensity of my being object to the concept of objectivity! I object to it not because it is impossible to obtain it, (it is not possible to obtain it without suffering depersonalization which causes suffering,) but because I can not escape being one with everything!

I Object to Your Objectivity

No where is objectivity more self damning that when you use it to get your way with me.

The theme is simple, objectivity does not benefit anyone directly, hence the reason why it is so objective and unobjectionable. Western civilization has been particularly gifted at using this methodology to conquer exotic philosophies and principles so as to supplant them with its own. There is no people more objective and rational in the world than the western tribes. Of course the reason for their success has been that no one considers rational irrational or reason unreasonable or objectivity subjective. And yet, this is precisely what those things are. Objectivity would, for instance, never be objective enough to consider the possibility of its own subjectivity. Something that independently minded has no need to question its autonomy; and let us not forget that autonomy is the being root of all corruption and violence.

Jump into the box: If I ask you, Is rational a philosophy? Is reason a belief? Is objectivity a moral guide to the physical world? The resounding answers are yes, yes and yes. But somehow people got it into their head that these philosophies or methodological approaches to the world were and are more accurate and real than pimples on a sixteen year old. Mind you that there is far less evidence for rational than for pimples. This is because pimples create themselves while we create reason and objectivity.

In fact let us just climb down the hatch of reality, just pick one, anyone. Not so easy because you can have a religious conversion in one, a mystical experience in another and a logical revelation in yet another. Which one is valid depends on which one works for you. None more valid than that, and so you will attempt to objectify it to convince others that it is ok to eat the heart of your victims and make it your own. The dependence on belief is huge, and belief requires participation from the external world, we happen to think that there is an external world, even as that is a whole lot of impossible, but we believe that the external world must needs to believe us for what we sense and feel and that it must reproduce it to reaffirm the self, when the world does this we feel good about ourselves and less alone.

Unfortunately, and this is the unfortunate that matters, nothing is going to let you take it over and its ideas unless you can first convince them that your ideas are not your own but rather that they are the ideas of a mightier third independent body that has greater powers over reality. The struggle is of course to define the most powerful version of reality and to substantiate it; that the limitations of such an endeavor are based on the individual observers imagination is of course an unknown; humanity’s horizon is limited by humanity’s vision. There is nothing in humanity’s vision of the universe that does not try to humanize the universe. Universal laws are a human invention. A humane and just god is a humanization of infinity. These are objectifications which we use to convince the world and ourselves that there is more to us than meets the eye. After all if we were merely capitalist and war mongers that would not complete a picture of the complex beings that we are. Unfortunately objectification is not as much true as it is successful, objectification if you’d not notice is a mere philosophy! We and the world have made it believable! But it is not more than an attempt at imbedding the self into everything else that is not perceived as part of the self. When we sterilize and segregate the universe we then must bring ourselves to it, we then touch the universe with e=mc2.

Waiting for Confirmation

It is strange, we sit around waiting for the world to listen to us without speaking. How can the world respond if we do not make our notions public? We sit around waiting for the world to discover us, and since the world doesn’t bother to proactively listen to our mute voices we feel rejected. This is one of the most beautiful improvisations of futility ever mastered. Here we are world, waiting for you to listen to us, we wont speak until you acknowledge us; we wait for the audience to quiet down before we will speak, only they will not quiet down unless we speak and interrupt their clatter. We must make ourselves felt, else the world will not give us a standing ovation! Come scream with me says the world, and if you are screaming I will listen to you, but if you are just standing by, standing by, then wait for the silent period to end, only there is no silent period, the world screams all the time. All the time.

I come into the world hesitant, only the world does not hesitate, the world moves on, I am part of its master plan, only if I don’t execute the world will just alter its master plan to meet its intended reality. I count but if I don’t speak up the world will just assume that I am not immediately important enough to take into account in the master plan. But what is this thing about speaking out? Does it mean that I have to tell the world where it is going and why? Not at all, the world merely wants to hear that I exist and how I exist and why I exist and what have I come to give it or surrender to it. The world does not sit and wait for me to make the decision, if I come into the world and remain silent or if I am intimidated by its underpinnings where I refuse to speak up my cause and my deliverable fortunes, then the world will demand them from me, the world will ask of me what I have to deliver, the world will coerce me to surrender what it needs if it cant figure out what it is that I have to offer. And the coercion will not be pleasing for one very simple fact, what the world demands from me is not what I have to give the world, the world does not know what it needs, it knows only what it craves, and this is not the same thing as what I have to offer; the dissidence can be so great and nice and astronomical that it can only collude to destroy me because I am not apart of the world that is demanding things from me, that world does not exist because of what it demands, it exist because of what it is given by me, when I do not surrender my self essence to the world what the world steals from me can only leave it wanting! Shy away from the formality that demands can acquire what they desire, they cant they wont, the only thing that can be taken whole is what is given; when the world takes from me what it takes is a bungled up part of my whole that wont make any sense for centuries; where I can assist the choice, where I can help existence is in the introduction of my self essence into the world, by calling out my tributes and allowing a benefit to be harvested by all. Only I can not accomplish this unless I am wholly capable of surrendering myself to the world. And the surrender allows me to be whole, only I fear the surrender, this is the paradox, I can not equinox with myself essence in this here and now, unless I come to grips with the idea that I must give all of myself to this suspect world; in order to accomplish this I must come to the conclusion that I too am suspect, and that I am not here of a complete understanding enough to refuse to surrender; I am here, that is the only license that I can confirm to surrender everything, and I must surrender everything that I am because there is no other way to measure the exhaustion of my resources and capabilities; I must and will unleash myself upon the world, let the world interpret me as it will, let the world turn what I have to offer into moral or immoral offerings, the only thing I am apt and capable of, is to unleash my self essence into the world, what comes of it is not for me to judge, if I fragment the world then the world needs to rearrange itself; the alternative, were I, I, this soul and spirit that I am, able to govern myself, then I would restrained myself, but I am not for self governance, nor is it possible to govern the entity of self, self explodes into the world; many selves attempt to govern themselves, because they listen to the external world which calls upon them for self restrain, only self restrain is not something that the I, the I, that I am, can call upon, I must explode into all that I am, self restrain can only hinder and damage my expression or any expression in the universe. I explode, this is what I am; handle it world!!

Fixated especial Delivery

The human race has a particular problem with all this giving that it must take upon itself in order to compose the thing we call a humanity. Each human particle that composes the humanity feels a responsibility to itself that is greater than the responsibility that it feels towards humanity at large. This significant problem rises from the quandary of being an undefined identity crisis. Humans have a natural propensity to question who they are, that cannot be changed, that is who they are can not be changed, but humans like to question themselves and doubt themselves to the point where they may cripple themselves and by such even cripple their humanity. Monkeys don’t sit around wondering who they are, humans consider this an inability to question and call it ignorance, you must be able to question and to doubt, monkeys don’t practice either because they know their nature to well. Humans of course question themselves all the time: Why am I here? Such a question immediately implies ignorance. But rather than accept it as such the bright human being tries to answer his or her own question. Because god created me is a popular answer. Who is god? God is the creator of all things. Oh ok I understand now. The possibility that the implications of the existence of god defy all knowledge, including the knowledge that there is a god, is not a quicksand quandary for humanity. Humanity will not acknowledge the permissiveness that knowledge allows itself; this is the safety pin, we can have knowledge of an infinite and omnipotent perfection, the safety pin.

From another remarkable point of view there is rational knowledge, and this one we must question with a different tool. Proof! Empirical proof. We are not repeating ourselves here. The belief in science is just a belief, a combined agglomeration of proofs, which become the laws to live and act by. Big bang becomes a subject of concentrated study, there are a great many angles from which to look at the big bang, its first five minutes or the edge of the universe, but no matter how you look at the big bang, as long as you are looking into it, if only to disprove it, you are creating and recreating the framework, and orbiting around, big bang. It is the agglomeration of belief, not the principle that matters, if enough people believe it then big bang explodes. It has to, it can not do otherwise, it is not given a choice, the evidence will be traced and found, there will be remnants of the big bang everywhere, and these will be like crosses or rosary beads; why can this be even if it might not be so? Because the universe has evidence for anything you want to find in it. You want to find an all cosmic loving god the universe has gods by the lot full. Call it a force, call it nature, call it an awareness, call it an order, the universe can give you the evidence that you need to prove yourself correct. The only thing the universe can not give you is just the thing itself, the real god or the real law or the real truth, the universe is just not absolutist enough to give such substantial evidence.

At first this may seem like a dismal view, but then you have to look at it from the point of view of the universe, you are really truly a very insignificant aspect of the universe. I am here to tell you that, I am delivering the message, and in fact you are a saboteur, a monkey at least is faithful enough to believe in self-being, sufficiently not to doubt itself and start asking questions, but humans, you, you really are trying to interrogate the universe, and I am here to tell you that such could corrupt the fiber-continuum of the universe. You are at odds with the universe, and this, at least in principle, implies that one of the parts of the universe, however insignificant, is wondering if it ought to exist at all, in other words, you are the suicidal consciousness of the universe. And your draconian measures towards belief or unbelief, certainty and doubt, are a fanatical view of something that is complex and radical in its undertakings, which means, that the universe can not be known and more traumatic for you, the universe can not acknowledge you fully. Your self doubt is caused by the universe’s dislike of the very ambiguity that you represent to it and to yourself.

Imagine what you would do if you did meet god. God comes down in all his immaculate conception and sits next to you and asks you: “hey how are you doing?” The mind boggling conception of that is so huge that you would just burst all of your neurons and collapse to your immediate death, thus embarrassing god and the rest of us. You can not obtain to the idea of sitting next to god, you can not obtain it, why? Because you would not be able to capture that moment without dying from neuron explosions. It is a complex idea this thing god, and complex ideas have overwhelming structures which can not be assimilated by the brain of a human. This is why most people have to be dead to meet god and have breakfast with him. And it is also why most people even when they die don’t get to god, god is very unobtainable and inaccessible. The proportion of god is so mighty and huge that it is beyond our grasp; and yet it is reasonable to suspect that we created god. That whatever this thing god is, in whatever its manifestation, it is possible to suspect that we are one of its most important constituency, the constituency of belief. In short, god exists and we may have created him, but we can not see him or touch him because by the very definition with which we have chosen to believe in him, by that definition he can not inhabit the earth, there is no place here for a perfection, he can not inhabit the known universe, there are too many disorganized and chaotic things happening in it, god by virtue of the perfection that he has made of himself or and we have made of him, has been alienated from our universe and zapped to another colorless, tasteless and formless dimension.

Spectacular as that especial delivery might sound it is not improvable; just fixate yourself on the fact that god requires absolute faith. Absolute faith is a very powerful thing, it is perhaps the most powerful thing in the known universe, one can only ponder its effects upon other, more or not susceptible universes and dimensions; we are at risk here of the hazards of a mortal existence, at least from this angularity, but this is not to say that we do not radicalize dimensions and universes with our faith.

The need of a fixated belief is composed by the uncertainty. We ask ourselves who are we and we want external answers, only the universe does not know who we are because the universe, at least ours, is not a universe of knowledge, our universe just feels, it just touches everything, and touching is not thinking, so the universe can not answer our prayers or our questions, it can only remain silent to what it does not hear. When we sonar out our feelings of being with formidable puzzled rationalizations that do not echo back to us, but rather get lost in space and survive only as we continue to compose them, it is then and only then that we realize our solitude, we might be the only loners in the universe, and everyday our knowledge makes us hermits amidst an all feeling universe, knowledge is a cold chisel by which we alienate and perform our ritualistic suicide. A monkey wouldn’t know how to do this, just wouldn’t know it.

Cleanliness Holiness and Sterilization

When objects, subjects and beings get taken apart by knowledge then they have to be cleaned.

Think about that for a while, and forgive me for asking you to think, feel it instead, smell it, touch it, listen to it. Listen to it like when you hear the word NO, sound out the word NO, everything about the word no is definitive, it is a very large notation of a feeling that is imposing itself and feasting on its own essence. NO, means not just no, it also means a negative damnation of everything, you cant imagine that the word NO can be used in a positive manner, “no you will hurt yourself.” …mother cries out but a warning is not positive feedback, it is negative feedback, NO burns, NO hurts, NO imposes limitations, NO quantifies everything that is wrong, NO unleashes the limits!

When you feel NO, you realize that it is one of the most complete essences in the universe. NO is full of itself, NO is indeed true to itself, NO embodies its self essence completely, hence its common use, hence its agility and effectiveness, hence its lightness of being.

NO is an effective whole. A rare occurrence in the universe, much the same could be said about its happy cousin YES. And here is my point darlings, these things constitute themselves, YES and NO, are the names of YES and NO, this much we know is true, and we would not sanely consider changing their names, but it is also true that YES and NO are the names of an essence, of something that commands a negative and positive reaction-emotion, something that reacts, something that changes everything into a definite finality, their positions are stiff, dead set rigorous; now travel with me inside of their bellies, the essence of either is indeed definitive, and you feel good about their high sense of resolution; feel certain with either, and yet either could be wrong about their stance, even as they might never consider being the other.

Except for one thing my precious darlings, they are exactly the same thing, loosely defined! The same thing. They are exactly the same thing loosely defined. They are what then? If NO is the same thing as YES, and YES is the same thing as NO what are these seeming opposites then?! They are the essence reflections named of: CERTAINTY. When you mange to accumulate enough of NO or enough of YES then you get correspondingly EITHER. The essence is certainty, its reflection has two names. We wont discuss AND!

You have to feel it to believe it. But I am sure you are working on just that right now, so lets move on while you parallel process your emotions; don’t worry you will keep moving right alone, you have the right to feel everything instantaneously, it is thinking that is linear, but thinking is the product of secluded emotions, just stay in your emotional trance, and we can do everything at once.

The problem might have started with holiness, the problem with divine intervention in a mortal world ought be obvious so I wont go into further detail, but if we think back it probably all started to go wrong with holiness. Holiness you see is the master of NO. And look at it from either angle, good or evil, evil tells you YES, but that is a negative YES because you know it is going to get you into trouble; this is where the essence, in the case the essence of holiness absorbs both values, and because it does not grant them independence it does not suffer the positive of both, but rather suffers merely the negatives of either. Holiness for obvious reasons can not be separated from evil, that much is obvious, contextually they are the same force essence manifested in different certainties, but phantasmogarically they are egregious intrusions. Why? Because they are trying to have control of us; and they eternal are trying to have control in the hear and now. Shame eh.

There is nothing wrong with being comical when you are trying to be philosophical, so feel free to laugh at any time, philosophers have to act solemn for how else could anyone take them seriously.

Now them, have I got all the ingredients in there yet, YES and NO are master agents, Holiness adopts all the negative attributes NO, and subtracts YES from the equation. God says thou shall not! Devil says thou shall! When you are a human it is impossible to take either position and not be a hypocrite. The consternation of trying to be good in a world where temptation lies at every step - must invariably produce something we call - for lack of a better name - the ugliest name in the universe - though true to its nature: DISCIPLINE!

Discipline is the most twisted difficulty in the universe, and specially so for beings, as oppose to Suns and Asteroids and Comets all which show a high level of discipline. Only all the discipline in the universe is degradating and degrading; just ask entropy. Now common lets rush here speeding up… …BERGONSITY is a name for an essence that has not been born yet; DIATHRIVE, according to Rosa, is a word close to being baptize into existence, the being of everything manifest itself when it is falling, in other words when it is starting to fall apart. This is why entropy, this is why it is possible to believe that the universe will die a cold death. Even so there is room there for a hot death, but a cold death seems more likely for human beings, fact: All humans hitherto have died a decompositional cold death! Crashing from that accident into the why mountainous grand beings and objects manifest themselves when they begin to rot; because a composition must be complete when its symphony is orchestrated into existence; otherwise it does not coalesce and it just simmers with lack of definition, and the mind, specially the mind, is so dull, that it has to be banged over the head with a hammer to bring it to recognize and acknowledge anything. This is the beauty of it, and the ugly of it, I think you are starting to feel the essence associations and their isolated synonyms, the duel of antagonism faces off and antagonism dies, and this is the last step we needed to climb to get here, to enter existence you have to be fully blown! You must be whole! You must radiate in all directions your self essence, everything around you names you and brands you and characterizes you based on the fulfillment of your peacock mating display. The sun is a flagrant peacock and it recognizes you and flourishes your innate essence.

Why are we doing this fancy sort of multiplex navigation? Because I have to alter your reality, I have diffuse it and then jump started; and I think I feel that we have managed that, and how have I managed it, with pure logical feelings that rose into majestic irrationalities. The brain can do that too, it is just, as its purpose calls, a very weak interpreter of feelings. Which brings us to the real point that this ladder reaches, we are not the center of the universe, ok, ok, that is ok with me, I can stomach that, sure it hurts, I am not sure what the benefits of being the center of the universe are, or for that matter I am not sure what the benefits of being a god are, but I certainly can accept the fact that I am neither a god nor the center of the universe. But who dares tells us this? Not our feelings, our feelings would never lie so grossly like that!! Never!! The liar in question is no other than Brain. It is Brain that has told us that we are not the center of the universe! It is Brain that has told us that we are not god! It is brain that continues to add minuete to our lives; mince-slivering us to be the chicken salad of the universe. And now, and now I am here to tell you that not only are we not the center of the universe and it does not matter that we are not the center of the universe, but neither is Brain the center of the universe, nor the all important that it has made us believe it is. Brain is not the central most smartest most intelligent thing, Brain is nothing more than a ruler, a thing that we use to measure, a measuring stick, that is all Brain is! And we, while not the center of the universe, we are the center of everything that Brain is, we are its user, we are its god, and we are its maker and definer, and everything that brain is, depends on us. Everything! Which is why the dislocation of the user by its Brain seems so disproportionally absurd. A measuring stick that upon realizing its own unimportance in the universe decides to fragment, reduce and insecure its host so that it will be wholly dependent upon it. Yes, today humanity is largely dependent on Brain, and largely insecure, and I think it all started with the teachings of religion, though it could have started longer ago than that, but my brain wont grant me access to that history, specially because I am not letting it collaborate in this here book; but it was Brain, with the teachings of the scriptures that started to manufacture its own overlord importance.

Brain did not invent god, god is disproportionally against all knowledge, knowledge is atheist by nature, but Brain realized early own the power of the god thing, the god thing was mystical, the god thing had faith and Brain had a mere ruler. It had degrees, centimeters, Celsius, digits, and it could think one thing at a time, though Brain’s linearity is hidden by its smartness and sharpness, Brain is linear; one thing at a time; many humans thinking different things amount to one brain thinking in parallel linearity! So Brain could not have invented god, god invented himself, but that is not saying much since we all invent ourselves, we all conceive ourselves, only Brain did not conceive of itself, we, our being essence conceived Brain and Brain decided that we were irrelevant, replicable and controllable; and so far that premise has been difficult to disprove.

Brain had to first dislocate god, imagine how beautiful, for its first test, the brain had to dislocate an omnipotent being and perhaps, though doubtful, a purely emotional creation. Regardless the god thing is a very powerful entity, and while its ability to control humanity has proven highly inadequate, mostly because god does not control, has no power to control, god merely dictates a policy of love and mostly impresses. Yes we are getting to the love thing later, but god is a lazy ass when it comes to putting his children in line, so the victory over god that awaited Brain was squably formidable. You cant beat an omnipotent being that wont even fight his number one antithesis, Lucifer.

Squabbly yes, but spiritually formidable more so. The only way to truly beat a god up is to force him to do battle in the field of knowledge. But how can you get god to do battle in the field of knowledge, that was Brain’s problem, and brain solved it! Teach the word of god. To teach the word of god you must be a philosopher, all of the apostles were philosophers hiding under the guise of prophets, none, but none of the apostles were prophets! Prophets cant teach! Prophets suffer an audience of disbelief, prophets are fascinating creatures, but prophets do not operate with or within brain. I am a prophet, as I write this words, I know that you wont believe them, and if you do believe them it is because you too are a prophet, and there aren’t many of us left after the persecution we have suffered as done in by the academic zealots. But does it surprise you that it was teaching the bible that Brain got its first chance to control us? It shouldn’t, as it ought not surprise you that to create the first printable bible the man had to be a tinkering scientist, he wanted to teach the word of god, so as to pass it own he invented the printing press. This is an amazingly obvious thing, a linear brain thought it, first preach then print, the amazing sonic correlation between preach and print essence is the damming evidence!

Brain had officially then mortalized god.

Not that such ought matter for an immortal god can not inhabit earth, and a mortal one would not last long here; but what does it mean to mortalize god? It implies that you can kill him. The first evidence that Brain was going to kill god was the old testament; there could not be other gods, god if you can imagine went on a rampage and started killing his own kind. Not very wise, and certainly not very loving, and killing all the other gods was bound to lead to divine extinction; it could lead to nothing else. As humans we need more humans, god needed gods too if his idea essence religion was going to liter the universe; but what does god decide, god decides that there was and would be only one god. The god of the old testament is the most human god ever devised, it is the first mortal god, because that god arrives at vendibility. A god that can be taught and sold to the masses and they must pay with prayers and with alms! Bingo. And best of all, a god that can be sold is a beatable god thus Brain can kill his son. See if there is really only one god anything else is really an impostor. The appearance of Christ at the scene was nothing more than humanity suffering subconscious emotional repentance, lingering from the polygod universe. When this aversion of Christ appears before Brain, trying as Christ was to add trinity and suffering love to his holiness, a division of the god thing into parts that could only be whole and hurt, for when you cut a god you don’t get a part, you get the whole thing, everything god, omnipotent god, and you say how can you have so many everything omnipotent beings, and really I tell you it is a common everyday occurrence in our multidimensional universe, within and without, but it is not possible for Brain to phantom such magnificent whole division! And so Brain figures that there is a plot, by the god faith thing, to kill off rationalized learned monotheism, by way of infiltrating with a son god; if you have one son god the implication is that you can reproduce, brain understands this kind of logic, and decides to crucify the son of god to prevent god progeny.

That final blow done, we were able to get back to monotheism and so Brain’s master plan was little adulterated even as there continue to be other religions, the teachings and the preaching’s are slowly converging as their knowledgebase grows more global, the homogenization and grounding of religion is inevitable, (witness the Mormons as the most advanced non religion,) at least as long as we continue to worship knowledge. Brain is aware that as it points out to the seeming cruelties of religions that more and more people will become more tolerant, unaware that the cruelty of religion is brought about by the hegemony of Brain. So I think that it all started there, the bible is a book of knowledge, and guess what that knowledge is, the knowledge of god. Of knowing god, the bible makes the ultimate trespass against all divine holiness and rampages through God by teaching his words, once you can learn the word of God, well you can learn!!! And better still learn to unlearn god! Once you appreciate learning, you will appreciate rules and rulers! Check Mate!

Incidentally chess is a fun way to learn to appreciate the power of brain/knowledge. There is nothing radical about chess, it is linear, anyone can do it if they principle themselves to logic it out; it is here where many are taught how easy it is to think and how accessible linear knowledge can be. Surprisingly few if any notice how inanely idiotic chess is.

It was not a leap of faith that Copernicus or Galileo made, it was a landing on the most basic chess reality, here are the pieces and here is how they move and relate to one another. Slowly disconnect god from the universe, suspend all other possible notions of being, earth is not the center of the universe, magic is a farce, you cant make gold from iron, if everything we believed about the cosmic or the natural is suspect then it starts to reason that we could be wrong about our belief systems. Farted out of our delusions we must begin to interrogate ourselves, and when we commence this bestial process we have unlearnt the faith of god and worst ourselves. Having learned to doubt our emotions and our hearts, disembodied-disconnected from the universe, there, at that junction, the only answers that we may trust and believe come from Brain and they come from Brain because Brain is asking the questions! Surprise. Brain can ask questions that it can answer, and those were the first questions it begun to ask from the perspective that was the most obvious, because, again, Brain is a mechanism, an instrument to measure local realities, unfortunately the Brain got a glimpse of the universe, and it emotionally made the judgment call to be the most important part of the universe.

So where do we come from asks Brain? Well everything must have a starting point and an end, brain again is linear, it can only compose the universe in its own mangled image of singularities; the universe is really infinite and nothing dies or is born, but the concept we have of the universe is Brain’s and brain concepts are fatalistic, there is always endings, beginnings and process. The world ends configured and reconfigured based on the order required by a ruler, not by a human, humans are not logical creatures, they have a logic tool, and that is the image which has made the mirage we see; a mirage that is the symptomatic delirium of our emotional and spiritual starvation!

Brain keeps up the show, demanding that everything be looked and searched with the scientific eye, and that we use knowledge in order to be smarter, better, and as we do so it is obvious that there was a Big Bang, that we evolved from monkeys, monkeys evolved from fish, fish evolved from tiny asexual organisms; and all the tectonic plates of the earth were once one, pangea and it cracked; and human life is just a few amino acids and mostly DNA junk. Yes it all really is like that, and it all is like that because we were first taught that we were sinners and that there was only one god; then you can clean and sterilize yourself. Cleanliness separates you from everything around you, once you are separated by process of sterilization and vaccinations, then the universe can not touch you and you cant feel the universe, and when you cant feel the universe, blind, you need a white stick: brain/knowledge. Once you subtract yourself out of the universe you can live in Brain’s world. Congratulations you have simplified yourself into understanding.

Never Believe In Anything Beyond the Given Extreme

Here is where the damn thing crows. Because we are lavished with narrow-mindedness there is no aspect of reality that is not based on dogmatic behavior. We are monsters of the sweetness of the moment, we create the reality that is conjured by our mind’s eye by filtering everything through a singular conception. We are the world, the world is us, what we believe is the world is what the world is, we are not wont to think otherwise. The world responds to our stimuli and gives us a half baked idea of what it is. Generations are singular structures. At a supra level humanity is a singular structure; the difference of the whole is so insignificant that it can only be viewed with a microscope.

It is not that we can not see, it is that we are blinded by our visions of ourselves. We are unable to conquer the self, and the self makes us a slave to its heart felt emotions. These in turn recreate the external world, or rather rearrange its furniture to meet our preconceptions. We don’t stumble into the furniture not because we are not blind to its true reality but rather because we keep on moving it around as we walk so as to meet ourselves everywhere we go. One would imagine that after a while this would get boring, and yet, yet it does not, not because it inst boring to keep on discovering yourself over and over ad infinitum, but rather because what you lose in surprise you gain in the comfort of familiarity. Its really that extremely fanatically simple.

While most philosophers have been impressed with the discovery of the self it might be more worthy to consider the dissolution of the self and its declared importance. The problem with the unit of self is that its importance is generated at a cost to everything else. Further it is evident that the self exist and that it acknowledges itself above all things, this is today’s current extreme reality, you do not see beyond yourself essence, you are not able to live in worlds that are not populated by you, the possibility of exceeding your self essence is difficult to believe and substantiate; one would have to first accept the possibility that the self can be disembodied from its core being and still have perception. Unlikely, and a fairly uncomfortable approach, you cant just be undoing yourself all the time. But if not doable then what might we try to accomplish or why would we try?

First the discovery of the self by philosophers was not a fantastic discovery instead it was an inevitable discovery and that it took them so long is cause for alarm and fact evidence of the lack of intuitiveness in philosophy. Its difficult for a being not to find itself. It is next to impossible for a being not to say “I think therefore I am.” This is what every child learns by the age of twelve, philosophy itself is an adolescent contrivance meant and designed to deal with adolescent behavior. Consider existentialism, what is existentialism more than a twelve year old that cant over come himself. Take hedonism, hedonism is a child’s wishing well. You get philosophy when you hit a wall. You get philosophy when you stumble into a pause in your existence. You get philosophy when you are disconnected. When you are restricted you discover yourself philosophy. There is only a few zillion things rubbing against you all the time and these things tend to believe in themselves without thinking about it, they acknowledge themselves with impervious impunity and they cause you to doubt your own existence and you get philosophical.

“Why do I exist?” “Why is life worth living?” and that sort of things are merely the product of a conflict, conflict which you get only when you hit something which is what everything does in the universe all the time. But the discovery of the external identity of things, now that has been more difficult, you cant really believe in the secularity of the universe without costing yourself a lot of emotional turmoil. The problem is that you cant create a secular comprehension of the universe without first subtracting yourself from the universe; the pain of that separation is so much that any construct that you make of the universe will have to entail your own image; the reason for this its because your own image is the only thing you are familiar with, it is the only thing which you truly acknowledge, it is the most difficult thing to kill off, your own image! And so the familiarity you have with yourself contaminates your secular philosophies of the universe and you only have the YOU view of the universe and you don’t want to accept that because without objectivity the whole universe becomes largely incomprehensible. You have to be able to study the universe, you cant study yourself because your mind is not going to tell you who or what you are, it cant! This is the extreme view, you are inwardly trapped, outwardly encouraged and suffer a high preservation handicap.

Objectification is then an extreme view of yourself and the self entities which have managed to congregate in your vicinity, all objectification is focused and local by nature, it is what a bunch of things or beings acquire when they all get together to think the same subjective reality. If it makes you more comfortable the universe is an extreme agglomeration of perceived grandiosity. Humanity is self centered and extremely objectified in escaping its self essence but helpless in doing so because the gravity of self is a black hole and there is no escape from that singularity.

I don’t know any other way of saying it so I hope you forgive my directness, but the universe and everything in it is wholly self absorbed, we are the only creatures in the universe that do not accept that self absorption; we want objectivity to absolve us of our subjectivity; we want objectivity to renounce us; crazy, but that is what we want. Fortunately for us the universe and everything in it is not unreasonable, they, it and all only care about themselves!

The Successful Marionette

The success of the marionette we call Brain is largely due to the fact that Brain does not feel pain. This is precisely why brain tells us that we are the most important thing in the universe regardless of all the other things in the universe that just want to share the place with us, think us ok but not all important, and want to be a part of the part that we are. Brain of course instructs us that we are special, we jump into this conceptualization of ourselves because there is something really teddy bear woolly within, it feels warm to be special, to be god’s chosen folk, it feels good to be the center of intelligence, it feels good and this is the one that I will never comprehend but it feels good to be able to question! Fuck the only thing that ever questions anything is the thing that does not know and not knowing only has one proposition; it has to marry itself to an answer. The marriage can only end in divorce. The answers that we find ourselves are inconsequential to the universe regardless of how important they are to us. You can sit around marveling about the fact that we split the atom and Columbus discovered the new world; to the universe splitting the atom is an everyday occurrence, one of the least exotic events within it; and the fact that Columbus discovered America is frankly so inconsequential to the universe that it will simply wont matter and it wont be documented or registered in universal history. A shame because I assume that discovering America was not small feat for Columbus and specially not a small feat for Spain which has a Don Quixote relevance quotient.

To be fair to Spain, Einstein’s theory of relativity is also interesting and better yet pretty, but the universe really doesn’t care about it, sorry Einstein but that is the honest truth. The universe does not really care! And that is what is so damn difficult to appreciate, because it is damn difficult to appreciate that the universe does not care because it should not be that way because that is not the universe we would have designed. Of course, for obvious reasons we did not design the universe and so the universe does not surprisingly behave like we would like it to.

But while we did not get the privilege of architecting the universe we have been fortunately given the role of being a part of it, and since we are a part of it we make up that part of the universe of which we are the part. The wholly difficult thing is that we are not the whole thing, though we are a whole humanity which is saying a lot, only we have subdivided ourselves by creating the individual entity which means that we are now a part of a part of the universe because we broke up the whole into individuals. Brain does this because Brain doesn’t care about you; and you wont do anything about it because your in love with what Brain does. Never mind that this whole division makes us less capable of truly conquering the universe, if that were the thing and the right thing to do.

We scramble this way and that way and away from one another as a way to manifest our uniqueness, only our uniqueness is in the fact that we are a humanity, as that we might be unique, further dividing humanity does not make it more unique it only breaks it up into what must end result in broken parts. Humanity is an essence, a universal essence, when we take it and riddle it with individuality we may feel especial but we will feel less; and the less we feel the more we are going to like cold blooded Brain.

Of course things don’t seem right to us, plenty of us know that things are wrong, and plenty of us would like a unification of the uniqueness we call humanity; but it really seems impossible; from every angle we are a fighting faction, from every root we seem to want to blossom as the masters of the universe or at least as the masters of our profession. How can you say an artist produces in isolation? How can you say that an architect does his own thing? Where is the truth in individual accomplishment? I have never seen an individual accomplish anything significant? Even Einstein depended on ideas and theories developed by other to come up with his pretty thing. The Mona Lisa was as important to the painting as Leonardo DaVinci and so were all the producers of the materials, maybe the inventor of the canvas was more important, maybe the importance of the inventor of the canvas lies hidden within that smile. When I see that woman smile there seems to be a massive satisfaction as if she were getting something over on us, as if Leonardo was saying I know what I am doing to you and I am not really doing it to you, you are really doing it to yourself and you are going to think I am fantastic. But was Leonardo fantastic or was that woman fantastic? More a chance I think that she was fantastic and that he was a good copier, he copied her, he had this model, the perfect model for the expression, he merely copied her onto canvas. This I think is more accurate, but of course he had to have known the importance of the moment, and he ought get credit for that, and credit for the accurate rendition, but there are so many things that make a painter, the artistry of it is only part of it, there was of course something between Leonardo and Mona, and they did it in front of us, they are still doing it in front of us, and that is what keeps the painting so fresh, these two are feeling something within each other and they are letting us watch. That is precious.

The correlation of self to the world and to others suffers no distance nor dimension. This is what really hurts ruler Brain because we don’t need Brain to touch the world. What Leonardo and Mona accomplish everyday is touching.

Touching is not an individualistic act.

Beyond Peace

We need to discuss something very dear to us all. Murder. There seems to be nothing that fascinates the human imagination more than the topic of murder. Statistically speaking 99% of all Hollywood movies have murder in them. Novels and their plots would be difficult to develop and finish without a murder and a few accidental deaths which may also amount to murder of necessity. We may discount acts of god such as a floods, pestilence and famine as murders because god only kills us to teach us a lesson. Less easy to ignore is the child’s play obsession with killing, hardly one of us has grown up without uttering the phrase: “I am going to kill you.” Silky as that might sound it is bordering the edge of the precipice between life and death.

Why the obsession with Murder? It would be to simplistic to attribute it to our fascination with mortal death or to a natural fear of it. War, violence and the multiplicity of murders have shown that we do not have a fear of death or of murder. The ease with which men can be conditioned to kill one another in a military manner betrays a lack of fear of death. Some will argue that the reason they killed was because they had no choice, they were in a war situation, it is preposterous to imagine a grown adult saying that they had no alternative but to be in a war theater. Difficult indeed and surprisingly shocking how few opt to defect from the battle field. But war brings the murderer, irresistible attributes that are certainly fascinating as much as they are real: anonymity and prestige. The soldier that murders usually does not see his victim, and even when he does at least he does not know them. The soldier that murders does not have a personal reason to bring about the infraction of murder, a soldier can never be personally proven guilty of murder as long as he maintains the stance of patriot following orders, the soldier has the ability to exercise a killing with complete impunity, if a soldier rapes and abuses human rights while on the campaign to murder the atrocious enemy, it will largely go unheard and unpunished. This is a side benefit of war, we can ravage our passions with the lust of the moment and survive grievance as comeuppance.

Everyone takes it for granted that there is going to be killing in war, and everyone knows that their son Joey, cute little Joey wouldn’t harm anyone and doesn’t really want to go to war, but Joey has to go to war, to defend freedom and to defend nationalistic honor and to defend his girlfriend Suzy. When Joey gets back he will get a purple heart, that is if he manages to get wounded and survive, and he will be respected as a war veteran; and if he manages to kill enough of the enemy he might even be hailed as a war hero instead of as the murderer that he is. That in order to be a hero like Wellington or Napoleon Joey might need their killer instincts is not possible, Joey does not like to murder people like Hitler or McArthur , not that McArthur wanted to kill anyone, he was merely defending his country and did a damn good job of it.

Neither Joey or McArthur are murderers, they are efficient killing machines but normally when they are not killing they are more likely to enjoy a nice BBQ with the family, and Joey would prefer to be captain of the football team and McArthur would rather that there be no wars period; in other words McArthur was not a general by instinct.

It would be difficult to prove, in a case study, that there are wars for the sake of war and wars for the sake that Joey might get a chance to kill someone in anonymity. Nice kids need to satisfy these urge but they would never admit it, besides its not something that any sane person would or ought admit.

Really fascinating how this Murder thing can be promiscuously practiced without any conscientious objections from the moral self; war after all is a moral act, so much so that even the enemy does not know that they are the bad guys.

Sometimes however, Joey strays, there is no war, he is selling insurance, one day Joey gets a strange rage, and kills someone. Joey kills a man he did not know, a man that merely opened his car door and scratched Joey’s cherry red paint on the side of his classic roadster. No one can believe it, Joey’s mother knows her son is not a murderer, she realizes that he has killed a man because he scratched the cherry red paint on his roadster, but she well knows that Joey is not a criminal and that while he did lose his temper Joey would never ever commit murder ever again. Joey does not need correcting because Joey has never killed anyone before, never even stolen chocolates from the grocery store, Joey is not a murderer, Joey’s mother does not know that most murders are committed by people that only murder one time in their lives, serial murderers are the exception not the rule, and so by Joey’s mother’s emotional reasoning it is not necessary to put all of the one time murderers in jail because the only reason for jail is to prevent recalcitrant behavior and that would not be the case for Joey and his lot.

Joey’s wife knows her husband is not a murderer, she knows Joey more intimately than anyone, he is tender, why he cried in her arms when their baby daughter fell from her cradle and broke her nose. She will testify to the love inside of this man, she will testify to the gentleness and to the kindness and to how Joey is not a murderer, he was stressed, many bills to pay, problems with his boss at work, the stress caused by a poor economy that was preventing Joey from hitting sales quotas, but Joey is a good man your honor!

Joey’s friends are more surprised than his wife, the wife can see that there was lots of things unreasonably pressuring Joey, but Joey’s friends and relatives just would never imagine that such a wholesome boy, man, friend, cousin, such a well humored pall, such a helpful fellow, such a nice neighbor, well he would just never do something like that, its not in his character to do something like that!

Perhaps the most important person that can not imagine Joey committing murder is Joey. Joey can not believe it, he does not comprehend what came over him, Joey knows he is not a murderer, Joey did not sit in his living room planning to kill anyone, Joey would never picture himself hiring an assassin, much less planning a murder or even killing because of anger. Joey more than anyone else, not only knows that he is not a murderer, he also knows something that no one else knows, it wasn’t Joey that killed that man!

Of course Joey does not intellectualize that knowledge, Joey knows he got angry upon seeing his cherry red paint roadster all scratched up, he blew up and started pounding his fists into this inconsiderate man’s head, and pounding him, and the next second, before Joey could react with real world reactions to real world conditions, before that, this man was dead. And immediately after that Joey reflected and reacted, but before that, before that reaction, that was not Joey punching away at that man with his angry fists, not Joey!

Then who is the mystery killer?

An act of war is a society feuding with another. It is very simple to complete the murderers list of war, every citizen of the participating countries have mentally rigorously superceded the desire for peace and conquered their divine nature to accomplish a society at war.

No one wants to fight a war, except the supra consciousness of a society that needs to fight a war beyond peace. That is what conjures the war effort, that is what manifest the inevitability of war, war becomes an imperative when the social consciousness reaches such superlative manifestations within the extricating reality that no one can ignore it and must face a conscientious decision to behave pro or against war. A conscientious decision is an activating trigger mechanism for the underlying events as they begin to superimpose themselves into a given reality. When the supra social consciousness reaches critical pro war mass, in effect the country is at war; whatever preparations had been conceived will superimpose discipline, struggle and endurance over any peaceful options.

I think we can go back to our test case, Joey, and proceed to callously investigate his actions and their effects. Sometimes, just to tickle myself, I fancy myself a logician.

Joey is perplexed because Joey knows that he is not a murderer; Joey does not comprehend how he could have reasonably acted in such a way as to bring about the death of another. At night Joey tries to find the lord, not because Joey was an atheist, he wasn’t that, Joey was a somewhat regular Sunday participant in religious ceremony, though he had cheated on his wife with one of her best friend’s, still Joey did not consider any of his would be sins biblically impossible, instead Joey believed that overall he was a nice guy and that in the end God would more or less accept that as a valid argument against eternal damnation. Only now Joey was not so sure that God would be equally as forgiving of this murder thing, and so Joey was trying to get closer to God so as to tell him that he really did not mean to do it, and to please help with the judge and the compassion quotient of the general populace. God of course did not talk to Joey anymore than he had normally talked to Joey, but Joey felt that God was closer and that he was considering forgiving Joey, only Joey first had to do a lot of penance and personal purification in order so that God might come closer once Joey was less soiled.

Faith is easy to get, reason more difficult, and Joey was using faith to comprehend better his act at a rational level. Only rational tells you that you don’t kill a man for scratching the cherry red paint on your roadster. So Joey finds himself in a perplexingly difficult situation, faith can find compassion but Joey’s Brain can only tell him that what he did was wrong and that it can not go unpunished. Joey’s Brain tells him that if the crime goes unpunished other’s will be willing to kill their fellow men that much faster. Brain tells Joey that he should have thought about things more carefully before he acted, Brain tells Joey that had he done so he would not have acted so egregiously; Brain tells Joey that one must learn to control one’s emotions, that it is not good to act in rage, that one must always think before one acts; these are not consoling things that Brain tells Joey. Rationally Joey can not be consoled, and the Justice system is rational. The justice system is a social grievance system contrived to eliminate individual acts of vengeance. Joey comprehends that a just world can not tolerate a man killing another men regardless of the cause to anger and violence; a civilized society is a civilized society. Joey recognizes this and feels weaker by the moment for it. Looking at himself with a rational stance Joey concludes that he must be punished, for posterity and for the sake of justice. Of course Justice is no one in particular and one might rightly believe that the Justice system could withstand the injustice of not punishing Joey and survive unscathed; but Joey does not go to such embellished theoretical options. Joey believes now, as told by Brain, that he will be punished and that the best that can happen is that the judge sympathize in that Joey is not your typical murderer but rather a nice man that went wrong for only a second and wouldn’t ever kill again, so that while he will be found guilty, the sentence will be lenient enough that Joey will be on probation within two years and justice, Joey and everyone will be well served.

But Joey now knows the name of the man that he murdered, Phillip. Phillip is all over the news, nice guy too, church going, hard working gentle man, he was the manager at a hamburger joint, and had a young wife and two very lovely daughters and so on. Obviously if Joey had had a chance to meet Phillip and learn all these things about him he probably would not have killed him, Phillip died mostly because he was an unknown, that is the first true thing that we know about this case. We still don’t know however who killed him, for that we have to enter more exotic realms.

First why are we willing to pose the question that Joey did not kill Phillip? Because Joey did not know Phillip, because the motive is to fragile to support murder, because Brain has told us that there is no logical reason why Joey ought have killed Phillip, and in rare happenstance Brain is right. Joey did not kill Phillip.

We begin with the premise, am I sounding logical enough for you, we begin with the premise that Joey was ordered to kill Phillip by forces that Joey does not understand though he is obviously receptive to those forces. Joey is just the obvious, the easy pick, but Joey really had nothing to do with this murder. It is true, as his lawyer will correctly argue, that his client is not in the habit of killing people for scratching the cherry red paint on his car. We all rationally know that this would not be the case and so what remains as a justifiable reason is something unreasonable, Joey was coerced into killing Phillip by forces that were working on Phillips demise; yes Joey is guilty of execution, but not of the premeditation nor even the knowledge of his crime. As such Joey is the least guilty party of the guilty we are about to unravel.

First there are social forces that call for murder, within each of us lies a murderer dormant, waiting to act out our crime, but we suppress this murderer self because it would be very antisocial to exercise its malicious will. This is not to say that all murders are malicious, one has to seriously ponder why someone did not kill Hitler, the entire world would have been thank full. We don’t know how many murderers have saved us from their victims, but there has to be some validity in that we maybe killing people that deserve to die and whose atrocities may never rise to justify their deaths; and this does not make them any less real, nor does it exculpate the fact that society may intuitively order the death of many it considers a threat and malice to its greater objectives. Bottom line, society may have ordered the murder of Phillip, not necessarily because Phillip needed to be murdered, hardly possible to imagine a hamburger joint manager a threat to society at large, but we could dare say society killed Phillip because it needed to satisfy the murder rate necessary to appease the murderer in us all! Phillip died to quench our thirst for violence, it could have been someone else, it does not matter, we sent the message to Joey, kill this guy, in you we now congregate all the murderers in us, Phillip is the perpetual sacrificial lamb, and Phillip even participated in his own death with his dormant murderer self. Our sanguinary thirst was reduced by our reading of Joey and Phillip in the news.

There is another way that Phillip could have participated in his own murder. Phillip wanted to die. Phillip may have done something for which he could not forgive himself, maybe something as simple as robbing money from the hamburger joint, cooking the books, or maybe he too cheated on his lovely wife like Joey, and so he could not find forgiveness within himself, Phillip secretly wished to die, he was sending signals out on to the social ether, “I want to die, I want to be killed, I am not suicidal enough to act this necessity out myself but I am suicidal.” Phillip ordained his own death, his signal onto the social ether begins to coalesce with the murderous desires of the social lot and with the murderous instincts inhibited within Joey; the sacrificial victim begins to urge its own death. A death willed by personal fear, any sacrificial victim must be fragile, Phillip was unstable, Phillip was fragile, he was sensitive to the idea of his own death.

Then there is the anger that Phillip might have generated in others. His wife aware that Phillip had cheated could not herself forgive the trespass, she wanted to see him dead. When Phillip confessed to his priest that he had cheated on his wife the priest felt inquisitorial towards such betrayal and silently opened the gates to the emotional ether to execute this sinner. Subconsciously the priest would certainly be disgusted by the fragility displayed by Phillip, such could only add another wave of murderous desire, weakness is as worthy of death as is guilt. Secretly we all want weakness dead.

Joey had killed in the war, of course he had never witnessed his victims, Joey felt angry at himself, he felt a coward for not having felt his victims, Joey had to redeem himself, he had to absolve himself of all those faceless, nameless murders that he had committed during the war, Joey needed to bring himself to atonement, only Joey had no clue what atonement was, he did not comprehend spiritual harmony, Joey liked football because it was a rough sport, because a sort of ritualized killing took place in a blameless setting, every goal was a death, every victory justified the rising death toll, Joey never felt a victory from the war and had silently pronounced himself guilty of unsatisfied desires. Joey became susceptible to the murderous waves that cross and weave through the social psyche.

One day, it’s a very nice day, the sun is shining gloriously, Joey could not imagine a more perfect day to take his classic roadster out onto the open highway, and the moment mnemonically brought back his carefree high school days, the sound of that motor running, the echoes of his high school buddies and the blossoming spring smells, all served to disarm joy of his rational faculties, he enters a partial dream state, and to magnetize the moment one has to have a cheeseburger with fries and a shake; he drives to the hamburger joint, carelessly parking too close to another car that has just finished parking. Phillip is worried, so many things on his mind, he is tense, he has to get into work where a partial personal hell awaits him, he opens his door with the aggression that he needs to sell a million hamburgers, and Joey suddenly hears that screeching cherry red sound and brutally awakens from his high school day and pounds his fists into Phillip.

And that’s how it really happened.